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Joint IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly South Africa, from 27th August to 1st September 2017: abstracts Due March 12, 2017

Added on 2017-03-02 17:54:51 by Vanhoorne, Bart
Session: P05 - Advances in Monitoring, Detecting, Understanding, Hazard Assessment and Forecasting of Mean and Extreme Coastal Sea Level The deadline for abstracts has been extended to 12th March, 2017
Rapid growth of coastal populations and nearshore development have increased the need for sea level data to understand, monitor,
detect, predict and forecast current, long term and extreme variability. Data from sea level monitoring stations have a wide range
of applications including research, planning, hazard assessment and operational and warning systems.
The session seeks contributions on developments in technology and operations as well as the status of sea level stations and networks. It also welcomes presentations on advances in scientific research and studies on understanding the dynamics of sea level change, as well as extreme sea level events. The session will also discuss the use of sea level data for coastal operations, hazard studies and warning systems. Advances in sea level data use for the detection and forecasting of tsunamis, storm surges, climate
change and other sea level extremes are welcome, as well as contributions on techniques of sea level data analysis and data archival.


