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Station metadata
Code wuda
Country Oman
Location Khawr Wudam
Status Operational
Added to the system 2013-03-27 17:26:10
Local Contact Directorate General Meteorology and Air Navigation ( Oman )
Long-term MSL data
Latitude 23.82
Longitude 57.52
Connection GTS message
GTS message type SXOM33
GTS station code 18539268
Transmit interval (min) 6
Transmit lag UTC (sec) 0
Ave. transmit delay (min) 6
Messages received (24h) 208
Messages expected (24h) 240
Sensor 1
Type of sensorbat (battery)
Sampling rate (min)6
    GTS format
Units of measureV
First value17
Reversed orderno
    Performance statistics
Last data measured at2024-04-19 04:22:00
Last data received at2024-04-19 04:29:04
Measurements received in 24h209
Measurements expected240
Performance ratio87%
Sensor 2
Type of sensorrad (radar)
Sampling rate (min)1
    GTS format
Units of measurem
First value18
Reversed orderyes
    Performance statistics
Last data measured at2024-04-19 04:22:00
Last data received at2024-04-19 04:29:04
Measurements received in 24h1368
Measurements expected1440
Performance ratio95%
Period SignalsData

7 days
30 days
rad (radar)
Remove outliers
Remove spikes
Relative levels = signal - median over selected period
Absolute levels = as received
Offset signals = relative levels + offset
Show battery voltage
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