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Station metadata
Code wbhb
Country UK
Location West Bay Harbour
Status Down
Status description Data has been turned off and is now being provided by a pressure transducer which currently does not have the capability to output 1Hz data. No 1Hz data planned in the foreseeable future (, 2022-07-11)
Added to the system 2012-09-20 18:26:17
Local Contact Channel Coastal Observatory ( UK )
Long-term MSL data
Latitude 50.71017
Longitude -2.76398
Connection WEB service
Transmit interval (min) 0.1666
Sensor 1
Type of sensorstp (Etrometa step gauges)
Sampling rate (min)0.1666
Units of measurem
    Performance statistics
Last data measured at2022-07-05 09:06:41
Last data received at2022-07-05 09:06:29
Measurements received in 24h
Measurements expected
Performance ratio
Period SignalsData

7 days
30 days
Remove outliers
Remove spikes
Relative levels = signal - median over selected period
Absolute levels = as received
Offset signals = relative levels + offset
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