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Station metadata
Code magi2
Country USA
Location Magueyes_Island_PR
Status Operational
Status description NOAA NOS did post Maria assessment, and the station is operational as of mid March 2018. Christa von Hillebrandt March 19, 2018)
Added to the system 2012-12-05 18:19:24
Local Contact National Ocean Service-NOAA ( USA )
Other Contact International Tsunami Information Center Caribbean Office ( USA )
Long-term MSL data
Latitude 17.9701
Longitude -67.0464
Connection GTS message
GTS message type SXXX03
GTS station code 3364E042
Transmit interval (min) 6
Transmit lag UTC (sec) 0
Ave. transmit delay (min) 8
Messages received (24h) 233
Messages expected (24h) 240
Sensor 1
Type of sensorpwl (primary water level)
Sampling rate (min)1
    GTS format
Units of measurem
First value0
Reversed orderyes
    Performance statistics
Last data measured at2024-04-25 13:21:00
Last data received at2024-04-25 13:27:08
Measurements received in 24h1404
Measurements expected1440
Performance ratio98%
Period SignalsData

7 days
30 days
Remove outliers
Remove spikes
Relative levels = signal - median over selected period
Absolute levels = as received
Offset signals = relative levels + offset
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